Int'l Female+ Film Festival Malmö

Polish shorts

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Starta lördagen med frukost och kortfilm. Det blir en resa genom Polen med kortfilmer om allt från militär apokalyps och gömställen under andra världskriget till hästar och motstridigt moderskap.


Director Aleksandra Terpińska Country Poland Original title Najpiękniejsze fajerwerki ever Language Polish Subtitles English Genre Drama Year 2017 Runtime 30 min

In a contemporary world in one of the European cities, three friends, as they face a military conflict in their country, must modify their plans for the future.


Director Joanna Satanowska Country Poland Original title Pod Language Polish Subtitles English Genre Drama, comedy Year 2018 Runtime 15 min
Hiding from pogroms, a group of Jews creates the closest thing to a home they can. The War seems to be passing them by from afar. But even the best hideout can one day be discovered.


Director Marta Pajek Country Poland Original title III Language No dialogue, Subtitles None Genre Animation Year 2018 Runtime 13 min

A portrait of a woman in an exhausting relationship which allures and repulses at the same time.


Director Monika Kotecka, Karolina Poryzała Country Poland Original title Wolta Language Polish Subtitles English Genre Documentary Year 2017 Runtime 14 min

Zuzia is 12 years old and has been training vaulting for two years. Another intensive season begins but something has changed. Zuzia has changed, as girls at her age naturally do.


Director Patrycja Polkowska Country Poland Original title Karuzela Language Polish Subtitles English Genre Drama Year 2017 Runtime 23 min

The last weekend before Christmas. Kama meets with her daughter Tosia, who lives with her father. As the events spiral out of control, Kama makes a decision which will have an irrefutable impact on their relationship.

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Skandinaviens största och äldsta filmfestival med fokus på kvinnliga regissörer

23-27 April 2025

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