Int'l Female+ Film Festival Malmö

One of many

One of many, IFEMA 2015

Sunday 19th of April, 17.00, Panora i Malmö. Tickets: Kulturcentralen
Opening short film before The Last Hammer Blow

It’s a story about the skateboarder Sonia, who in the beginning didn’t dare to skate at the local skateboard club. During women’s separatist days a community grows between the girls at the riding area, and Sonia gets that support and confidence she needs to dare to take more space when skating.

The film will be introduced by the filmmakers.

Directors: Amanda Fors Åkesson, Clara Noreen, Jasmine Wahlström and Jens Zingmark, Sverige, 2014
Genre: Documentary
Running time: 6 min
Speech: Swedish
Subtitles: English
Original title: En av många

Sonia Sciebura

Filmskaparna En av Många

About the directors
The four young film makers produced this short film during a practical film course at Malmö university, last autumn. They already have plans to do more film projects together.

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Skandinaviens största och äldsta filmfestival med fokus på kvinnliga regissörer

23-27 April 2025

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